Agree to Agree
ISBN: 978-3-96110-214-3
Editorial: Language Science Press
Licencia: Creative Commons (by)
Autor(es): Hartmann, Katharina; [et al.]
Editorial: Language Science Press
Licencia: Creative Commons (by)
Autor(es): Hartmann, Katharina; [et al.]
Agreement is a pervasive phenomenon across natural languages. Depending on one’s definition of what constitutes agreement, it is either found in virtually every natural language that we know of, or it is at least found in a great many. Either way, it seems to be a core part of the system that underpins our syntactic knowledge. Since the introduction of the operation of Agree in Chomsky (2000), agreement phenomena and the mechanism that underlies agreement have garnered a lot of attention in the Minimalist literature and have received different theoretical treatments at different stages.
[Berlin: 2020]
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