Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services
Editorial: Springer Nature
Licencia: Creative Commons (by)
Autor(es): Ganchev, Ivan; [et al.]
The explosive growth of the Internet has fundamentally changed global society. The emergence of concepts like service-oriented architecture (SOA), software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), network as a service (NaaS), and cloud computing in general has catalyzed the migration from the information-oriented Internet to an Internet of Services (IoS). This has opened up virtually unbounded possibilities for the creation of new and innovative services that facilitate business processes and improve the quality of life. However, this also calls for new approaches to ensure quality and reliability of these services. To overcome current
shortcomings, a huge number of research challenges have to be addressed in this area, ranging from the initial conceptualization and modelling, to the elaboration of suitable approaches, techniques, and algorithms, and to the development of suitable tools and the elaboration of realistic use-case scenarios by also taking into account corresponding societal and economical aspects.
[Cham: 2018]
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