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Contingency, Exploitation, and Solidarity: Labor and Action in English Composition

ISBN: 978-1-64215-085-8
Editorial: WAC Clearinghouse
Licencia: Creative Commons (by-nc-nd)
Autor(es): Kahn, Seth; [et al.]

Composition has been a microcosm of the corporatization of higher education for thirty years, with adjuncts often handling the hard work of writing instruction. We've learned enough to know that change is needed. Influenced by the efforts of organizations such as New Faculty Majority, Faculty Forward, PrecariCorps, and national faculty unions, this collection highlights action, describing efforts that have improved adjunct working conditions in English departments. The editors categorize these efforts into five threads: strategies for self-advocacy; organizing within and across ranks; professionalizing in complex contexts; working for local changes to workload, pay, and material conditions; and protecting gains.
[Colorado: 2017]

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