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Corruption in South Africa's liberal democratic context

ISBN: 978-0-620-72526-2
Editorial: InTechOpen
Licencia: Creative Commons (by-nc-sa)
Autor(es): Kruger, Ferdi y Klerk de, B

This book is meant for academics in the fields of theology and ecclesial management, for business leaders and governmental authorities in the private and public domain. This collected work by mainly practical theologians reflects on the phenomenon of corruption in the liberal democracy of post-apartheid South Africa. Liberal democracy has considerable salience in the contemporary world. Not only is it the form that many of the world's most powerful and influential nations approve of, but it is a political system that is being tried - and used - by many formerly developing countries. South Africa is described as predominantly Christian. In such a context corruption is not to be expected. However, it is strongly prevalent.
[Durbanville: 2016]

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