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Critical Expressivism: Theory and Practice in the Composition Classroom

ISBN: 978-1-64215-057-5
Editorial: WAC Clearinghouse
Licencia: Creative Commons (by)
Autor(es): Roeder, Tara and Gatto, Roseanne

Critical Expressivism is an ambitious attempt to re-appropriate intellectual territory that has more often been charted by its detractors than by its proponents. Indeed, as Peter Elbow observes in his contribution to this volume, "As far as I can tell, the term 'expressivist' was coined and used only by people who wanted a word for people they disapproved of and wanted to discredit." The editors and contributors to this collection invite readers to join them in a new conversation, one informed by "a belief that the term expressivism continues to have a vitally important function in our field."
[Colorado: 2014]

1.00 €

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