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Crop management - cases and tools for higher yield and sustainability

ISBN: 978-953-51-0068-3
Editorial: InTech
Licencia: Creative Commons (by-nc-nd)
Autor(es): Fabio R. Marin

Ripening and the use of ripeners for better sugarcane management. Marcelo de Almeida Silva and Marina Maitto Caputo. Population management for yield improvement in upland rice ecologies for west africa region. Andrew A. Efisue. Managing cover crops for conservation purposes in the Fraser River Delta, British Columbia. Jude J. O. Odhiambo, Wayne D. Temple and Arthur A. Bomke. Soil management strategies for radish and potato crops: yield response and economical productivity in the relation to organic fertilizer and ridging practice. Masakazu Komatsuzaki and Lei Dou. A conceptual model to design prototypes of crop management: a way to improve organic winter oilseed rape performance in farmers? fields. Muriel Valantin-Morison and Jean-Marc Meynard. Understanding sugarcane yield gap and bettering crop management through crop production efficiency. Fábio Ricardo Marin

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