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Diverse Approaches to Teaching, Learning, and Writing Across the Curriculum: IWAC at 25

ISBN: 978-1-64215-036-0
Editorial: WAC Clearinghouse
Licencia: Creative Commons (by-nc-sa)
Autor(es): Erin, Lesley; [et al.]

Developed from presentations at the 2018 International Writing Across the Curriculum conference, this collection documents a key moment in the history of WAC, foregrounding connection and diversity as keys to the sustainability of the WAC movement in the face of new and long-standing challenges. Contributors reflect on the history and ongoing evolution of WAC, honoring grassroots efforts while establishing a more unified structure of collaborative leadership and mentorship. The chapters in this collection offer a rich variety of practices, pedagogies, mindsets, and methodologies for readers who are invested in using writing in a wide range of institutional and disciplinary contexts. Boldly engaging such pressing topics as translingualism, anti-racism, emotional labor, and learning analytics, the 18 chapters collected here testify to WAC's durability, persistence, and resilience in an ever-changing educational landscape.
[Colorado: 2020]

1.00 €

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