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Elementary Abstract Algebra: Examples and Applications

Editorial: Universitat Jaume I
Licencia: Creative Commons (by-sa)
Autor(es): Mena Tudela, Desirée
González-Chordá, Vict
Cervera-Gasch, Agueda;
Maciá Soler, María Loreto
Orts-Cortés, María Isabel

This textbook introduces the basic notions of group theory by a thorough treatment of important examples, including complex numbers, modular arithmetic, symmetries, and permutations. Also included are applications to communications, cryptography, and coding theory.

Many students start out liking math. Some like it well enough that they even want to teach it. However, when they reach advanced math classes (such as abstract algebra), they feel bewildered and frustrated. Their textbooks talk about mathematical concepts they’ve never heard of before, which have various properties which come from who knows where. In lectures, the prof. pronounces oracles (a.k.a theorems) and utters long incantations called “proofs” , but it’s hard to see the point of either.
If the above paragraph describes you, then this book is meant for you!

1.00 €

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