Energy Babble
ISBN: 978-0-9955277-3-7
Editorial: Mattering Press
Licencia: Creative Commons (by-nc-sa)
Autor(es): Andy Boucher
Bill Gaver
Tobie Kerridge
Mike Michael
Liliana Ovalle
Matthew Plummer Fernandez
Alex Wilkie
Editorial: Mattering Press
Licencia: Creative Commons (by-nc-sa)
Autor(es): Andy Boucher
Bill Gaver
Tobie Kerridge
Mike Michael
Liliana Ovalle
Matthew Plummer Fernandez
Alex Wilkie
This is the story of a set of computational devices called Energy Babbles. The product of a collaboration between designers and STS researchers, Energy Babbles are like automated talk radios obsessed with energy. Synthesised voices, punctuated by occasional jingles, recount energy policy announcements, remarks about energy conservation made on social media, information about current energy demand and production, and comments entered by other Babble users.
[Mánchester: 2018]
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