Estudio de los bloqueos creativos en artistas visuales
Licencia: Creative Commons (by-nc-nd)
Autor(es): Briz, María
The main theme of this research is the phenomenon of creative blocking during the work process of visual plastic arts professionals. The fieldwork developed for this purpose has consisted in the celebration of fifteen interviews with so many artists of that sector. Through the formulation of open questions, the necessary informations has been obtained to, later, starting for a concept of creativity concretized by the study of the different theories in this regard and the evolution of the meaning of this subject within the social vocabulary, define the notion of blockage that the artists handle. Once this has been done we have proceeded to analyze the real incidence of disruptions of the creative process in the daily exercise of the artistic work, as well as the resources and strategies that creators activate to manage and surpass them. Accordingly, the research method chosen for this thesis could not be other than the qualitative one. The artistic blockage is characterized by the subjectivity of its causes and repercussions, absolutely heterogeneous in any population group that could be determined as a sample, so that it is an issue that can not be measured in quantitative, absolute terms. Qualitative research, on the other hand, pursues a holistic understanding of the reality under study. It is not so much a question of extracting general conclusions, ratios and probabilities, but to delve into the problematic investigated in company, precisely, of the people inserted in it, in this case, the artists, whose testimonies will allow to form an integral vision of the circumstance of the artistic blockage. The mood of this thesis, therefore, is eminently practical, as it focuses on the experiences and feelings brought first hand by people directly affected by the daily repercussions of the problem of blockages to creativity. Also, the present study aims to establish a categorization of the different types of factors favoring the occurrence of such blockages.
[Valencia: 2017]
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