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Estudo comparativo sobre o uso de proteção solar no meio rural e urbano

Editorial: Repositório Universitário da Ânima
Licencia: Creative Commons (by-nc-nd)
Autor(es): Rabelo, Janini Rocha

The use of sun protection is of fundamental importance when there is excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation and in the prevention of skin cancer. Therefore, a descriptive study was carried out with comparative and quantitative effect, aiming to characterize the behavior of the use of solar protection in rural and urban environments, especially to the care and consequences caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation. A total of 156 volunteers were interviewed, 78 volunteers who work directly with agriculture and 78 volunteers with different occupations, who do not require too much sun exposure, in the municipalities of Içara and Jaguaruna in the south of Santa Catarina, a questionnaire was applied with questions about the subject. The results show the average age of the volunteers in rural areas was between 46 to 55 years, in the urban area the average age was between 36 and 45 years. In the urban area, 1.30% said they did not know about sun protection, while in the rural area 12.99% said they did not know any means of protection with ultraviolet radiation. In the question of the use of sunscreen 92.21% of respondents in the urban environment said they use and 90.63% of the respondents in the rural area claimed to use sunscreen. Regarding the time of sun exposure, 32.05% of the farmers reported working for more than 45 years in activities that require sun exposure, while 59.49% of urban respondents reported never having worked in activities that required sun exposure, but 11, 39% of them have worked in this area for about 11 to 20 years, which in many cases characterizes the rural exodus. In the rural area, 36.71% reported not worrying about the hours of sun exposure and 14.46% said they were exposed to the sun from 10:01 am to 4:00 p.m., in urban areas 2.53% of those interviewed reported exposing themselves in the sun from 10:01 to 4:00 p.m. and 25.30% say do not worry about the exposure times. Of the volunteers interviewed in rural areas, 8.06% reported that they started using sun protection over 60 years and only 16.13% between 10 and 20 years of age in the urban environment. 24.32% said they started as children, while none of the respondents reported having initiation after age 60. When the question was about the existence of concern about signs and spots regarding the risk of skin cancer, 43% of urban volunteers said yes, while in rural areas this figure was 32%.

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