Expanding Tertiary Education for Well-Paid Jobs
Editorial: The World Bank Group
Licencia: Creative Commons (by)
Autor(es): Blom, Andreas; [et al.]
Expanding tertiary education with quality, relevance, and equity is one of the most decisive challenges facing Kenya's future, including achievement of the ideals of the 2010 Constitution and, especially, its 2030 vision, which aims at transforming Kenya into a "newly industrializing, middle-income, globally competitive, and prosperous country." That is because tertiary education can contribute in a critical manner to successfully overcome several of the country's challenges. This book provides analysis and policy recommendations to the government of Kenya, tertiary education leaders, and the many stakeholders on managing the massive tertiary education expansion facing the country. It discusses the motivation for the analysis and its choice of three critical topics— quality and relevance, governance, and student financing. Then it reviews the findings in each area and concludes with a set of policy recommendations.
[Washington: 2016]
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