Editorial: Punctum Books
Licencia: Creative Commons (by-nc-sa)
Autor(es): Trettien, Whitney
Gaffe/Stutter is a dead letter to Deleuze's Logic of Sense. It began as a series of diagrams, two-dimensional memory palaces that sketch the vectors of each chapter's paradox; it became an elaborate plan for a web-based diagrammatic (r)e(n)dition of Logic of Sense, built on zoomable, annotatable high-resolution scans of these diagrams. Conceived as an anti-book — a visual reading schematic — this project eschews the line of text in favor of regimented grids, the ink-soaked grain of the remediated pen over the laser-burned face of print; playful reaction rather than academic protraction. This is not an analogy, or a product of the imagination, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari would write in A Thousand Plateaus, but a composition of speeds and affects on the plane of consistency: a plan(e), a program, or rather a diagram, a problem, a question-machine.
[Brooklyn: 2013]
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