Heathen Earth
Editorial: Punctum Books
Licencia: Creative Commons (by-nc-sa)
Autor(es): McGee, Kyle
Heathen Earth: Trumpism and Political Ecology looks beyond the rising fortunes of authoritarian nationalism in a fossil-fueled late capitalist world to encounter its conditions. Trumpism represents an alternative to the forces undermining the very cosmology of the modern West from two opposing directions. The global economy, the pinnacle of modernization, has brought along a dark side of massive inequality, corrupt institutions, colonial violence, and environmental destruction, while global warming, the nadir of modernity, threatens to undo the foundations of all states and all markets. To the vertigo of placelessness, symptomatic of globalization, is added the ecological vertigo of landlessness. With reality slowly fragmenting, it is only too obvious in this light that Trumpism and other nationalist movements would attract massive hordes of supporters.
[Earth: 2017]
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