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Is experience in the public sector associated with Big Five personality aspects?

Editorial: LIBERABIT
Licencia: Creative Commons (by-nc-sa)
Autor(es): León, Federico

The concept of person-organization fit suggests that employees with experience in the public sector differ in aspects of personality from those with little or no experience. When this hypothesis was tested among 711 participants in executive extension courses at a Peruvian university, significant differences were observed in the Big Five Aspect Scales between men and women and by age, but experience in the public sector he only predicted higher Opening. Women had higher Openness than men, and a significant interaction of gender x time in the public sector revealed that the prediction of Openness from experience in the public sector was more pronounced among men. The findings suggest that, in the population studied, few personality differences are attributable to experience in the public sector. Studies are needed to assess the external validity of the findings.

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