Latin America and the rising SouthLatin America and the rising South
ISBN: 9788575412824
Editorial: FIOCRUZ
Licencia: Creative Commons (by-nc-sa)
Autor(es): Ribeiro, Herval Pina
Editorial: FIOCRUZ
Licencia: Creative Commons (by-nc-sa)
Autor(es): Ribeiro, Herval Pina
The dynamics of the world economy have changed radically and the once immutable
assumptions of the global trade and financial order no longer hold fast. In the last two
decades alone, wealth has shifted so profoundly that the simple, old North-South hierarchy—where the North were the rich few and the South were the many poor countries of the world—is no longer a given. In fact, in 1990, the majority of the world population, 62 percent, lived in poor countries. As of 2010, 72 percent of the world’s population lived in middle-income countries.
[Washington, DC: 2015]
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