Macroeconomic Modelling of R&D and Innovation Policies
ISBN: 978-3-030-71457-4
Editorial: Springer Nature
Licencia: Creative Commons (by)
Autor(es): Akcigit, Ufuk; [et al.]
Editorial: Springer Nature
Licencia: Creative Commons (by)
Autor(es): Akcigit, Ufuk; [et al.]
This chapter surveys the literature on innovation, endogenous growth
and firm dynamics, aiming to better understand the mechanisms through
which innovation policies affect the progress of technology, productivity
growth, output growth and welfare. When modeling the macroeconomy with the objective of evaluating the effect of innovation policies, the modeler has to fundamentally understand the different mechanisms through which a policy is expected to affect the dynamics of the economy through innovation. Since innovations fundamentally diffuse through a complex process of firm, plant and product creation and destruction, it is
critical to understand the relation between innovation and the dynamics
of market selection.
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