Managing for Learning
Editorial: The World Bank Group
Licencia: Creative Commons (by)
Autor(es): Adelman, Melissa y Lemos, Renata
How can countries make sustainable gains in student learning at scale? This is a pressing question for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) - and the developing world more broadly - as countries seek to build human capital to drive sustainable growth. Significant progress in access has expanded coverage such that nearly all children in the region attend primary school, but many do not gain basic skills and drop out before completing secondary school, in part due to low-quality service delivery. The preponderance of evidence shows that it is learning - and not schooling in and of itself - that contributes to individual earnings, economic growth, and reduced inequality. For LAC in particular, low levels of human capital are a critical factor in explaining the region's relatively weak growth performance over the last half century.
[Washington: 2021]
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