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Nordic Homicide in Deep Time

ISBN: 978-952-369-063-9
Editorial: Helsinki University Press
Licencia: Creative Commons (by-nc)
Autor(es): Kivivuori, Janne; [et al.]

Nordic Homicide in Deep Time draws a unique and detailed picture of developments in human interpersonal violence and presents new findings on rates, patterns, and long-term changes in lethal violence in the Nordics. Conducted by an interdisciplinary team of criminologists and historians, the book analyses homicide and lethal violence in northern Europe in two eras - the 17th century and early 21st century. Similar and continuous societal structures, cultural patterns, and legal cultures allow for long-term and comparative homicide research in the Nordic context. Reflecting human universals and stable motives, such as revenge, jealousy, honour, and material conflicts, homicide as a form of human behaviour enables long-duration comparison.
[Helsinki: 2022]

1.00 €

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