Old and New Perspectives on Mortality Forecasting
ISBN: 978-3-030-05075-7
Editorial: Springer Nature
Licencia: Creative Commons (by)
Autor(es): Bengtsson, Tommy y Keilman, Nico
Editorial: Springer Nature
Licencia: Creative Commons (by)
Autor(es): Bengtsson, Tommy y Keilman, Nico
This open access book describes methods of mortality forecasting and discusses possible improvements. It contains a selection of previously unpublished and published papers, which together provide a state-of-the-art overview of statistical approaches as well as behavioural and biological perspectives. The different parts of the book provide discussions of current practice, probabilistic forecasting, the linearity in the increase of life expectancy, causes of death, and the role of cohort factors.
[Cham: 2019]
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