Opportunities for Environmentally Healthy, Inclusive, and Resilient Growth in Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula
Editorial: The World Bank Group
Licencia: Creative Commons (by)
Autor(es): Sánchez, Ernesto; [et al.]
Approximately 4.1 million people live in the three states of the Yucatán Peninsula: Quintana Roo, Yucatán, and Campeche. Some 30 municipalities are in a coastal territory of almost 2,000 linear kilometers, spanning the oil fields of the Gulf of Mexico to the world-renowned beaches of Cancún, just north of the second-largest barrier reef in the world. The peninsula's natural assets also include notable Mayan temples. With poverty far from eliminated, and economic development opportunities beckoning in agriculture, manufacturing, and hydrocarbon development, the region faces growing risks from environmental hazards. Oil spills, hurricanes, coral bleaching, extreme flooding, and erosion have all been experienced over the past decade. Based on preliminary identification of environmental priorities, this report explores selected topics that aim to inform decision-making in the region. A general context of integrated coastal zone management is used to explore issues, constraints, and potential solutions.
[Washington: 2020]
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