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Optimization of a Vibrating Sample Magnetometer for a laboratory physics course

Editorial: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Licencia: Creative Commons (by-nc-nd)
Autor(es): Avilés, Luis; [et al.]

This paper describes the implementation and a detailed optimization of a Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) for an undergraduate physics course laboratory. The VSM operation parameters were extensively discussed using Foner and Mallison coils configuration. The influence of the involved parameters (e.g. oscillation frequency, oscillation amplitude, rate change of the external magnetic field, coils configuration, etc.) on the induced voltage in the pick-up coils were discussed. A disk of nickel of 6-mm diameter was used for the calibration of the magnetometer, comparing the hysteresis loop measured with our magnetometer with the one obtained using a commercial VSM. Magnetization curves of two different samples were obtained in order to test the sensitivity of the magnetometer. The vibrating sample magnetometer implemented in the present work is able to detect changes in the total magnetic moment down to 10-3 emu. The detailed optimization of the VSM described in the present work is an example of how to solve a real problem in condensed matter, related to the determination of the magnetization value of a magnetic sample.
[Lima: 2016]

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