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Proposal for the development of a startup: the alivebuilding platform

Editorial: Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Licencia: Creative Commons (by-nc-nd)
Autor(es): Volpin, Dario

This study aims to present a structured business plan of a hypothetical startup that aims to offer digital consulting services and in addition the sale of SAAS software for the construction sector. The construction sector compared to other sectors of industry has a delay and a lack of digitization compared to other industrial sectors, and this represents a market opportunity. In particular, the company offers consulting services about two new trending technologies, namely BIM and BLOCKCHAIN, with a great growth potential. BIM is an acronym that means Building Information Modeling. This technology and discipline is a process that involves the creation and management of information during the entire life cycle of a construction project, through a three-dimensional infographic model.
[Cartagena: 2021]

1.00 €

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