Religious Radicalism
ISBN: 978 94 6117 131 3
Editorial: ASP editions - Academic and Scientific Publishers
Licencia: Creative Commons (by-nc-nd)
Autor(es): Temmerman, Johan; [et al.]
Editorial: ASP editions - Academic and Scientific Publishers
Licencia: Creative Commons (by-nc-nd)
Autor(es): Temmerman, Johan; [et al.]
"Religious Radicalism scrutinizes the religious motives and mechanisms of radicalism. The contributors observe a growing lack of understanding of religion in secular policy-bodies, as well as in the academic world in Europea and beyond. They put forward an approach 'from within' and aim to provide policy-makers with workable tools and a user-friendly method for constructively tackling religious radicalism. The underlying issue is the question of the role of the rule of law in relation to human rights in relation to religious minorities. This edited volume brings forward an interdisciplinary approach to religious radicalism blending religious studies, theology, and cultural criticism.
[Brusel: 2021]
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