Spatial Planning for Resilient Economic Diversification
Editorial: The World Bank Group
Licencia: Creative Commons (by)
Autor(es): Dobbin, James, [et al.]
As the world moves away from fossil fuels, mining-dependent regions that once provided the foundation for employment and economic growth now face the post-mining prospect of economic shock and social upheaval. Economic diversification of these regions is a huge challenge that needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency to enable their transition to a sustainable growth path. "Spatial Planning for Resilient Economic Diversification: La Guajira, Colombia" describes how strategic spatial planning can be used to gain new insights of opportunities and constraints for mining-dependent regions and to develop multisectoral development plans for resilient and sustainable economies. The planning approach, which has been used in a wide range of mining-related contexts, focuses on identifying and exploiting intersectoral synergies to develop interventions that together offer large-scale employment and economic benefits.
[Washington: 2021]
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