Sustainable Commodity Use
Editorial: Springer Nature
Licencia: Creative Commons (by)
Autor(es): Bungenberg, Marc; [et al.]
Human development would not have been possible without the materials, which
nature provides. Mindful of their crucial role, historians have named entire eras after the minerals that were being sourced at that time—be it the Neolithic Age, Bronze Age, or the Iron Age. Today, we are living in a world of globalised markets. Close to no value creation would be possible without the use of natural resources, more precisely primary commodities.
The Sustainable Development (SD) agenda has become the universally accepted political agenda of our time.3 In view of the important challenges for
global resource management, which will be elucidated throughout the course of this book, the field of Global Commodity Governance (GCG) has emerged over the past two decades.
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