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The Digital Age and Its Discontents

ISBN: 978-952-369-013-4
Editorial: Helsinki University Press
Licencia: Creative Commons (by)
Autor(es): Stocchetti, Matteo

"Three decades into the ‘digital age', the promises of emancipation of the digital ‘revolution' in education are still unfulfilled. Furthermore, digitalization seems to generate new and unexpected challenges - for example, the unwarranted influence of digital monopolies, the radicalization of political communication, and the facilitation of mass surveillance, to name a few. This volume is a study of the downsides of digitalization and the re-organization of the social world that seems to be associated with it. In a critical perspective, technological development is not a natural but a social process: not autonomous from but very much dependent upon the interplay of forces and institutions in society.
[Helsinki: 2020]

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