The History of the Cleveland Nazis: 1933 - 1945
ISBN: 978-1-936323-51-7
Editorial: MSL Academic Endeavors
Licencia: Creative Commons (by)
Autor(es): Michael Cikraji
Editorial: MSL Academic Endeavors
Licencia: Creative Commons (by)
Autor(es): Michael Cikraji
This book is intended as a warning. Many people today that
believe they know about Nazism, actually do not understand much
of the movement at all. Put through the sieve of modern American
political correctness, people often portray Nazism as being solely a
study in hatred. For teachers and writers that do not comprehend
(or perhaps even care) about what Nazism actually was, they
commonly oversimplify Hitler’s mass movement. This hatred, they
say, is but another example of a purely European concept to
enslave and destroy any person, or any concept, that was not truly
“white.” After all, the Nazis hated communists, the Versailles
Treaty, the Weimar Republic, socialists, foreigners, gypsies, labor
organizers, and most importantly the Jews.
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