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Virtual laboratory for a first experience in dynamics

Editorial: THEIJES
Licencia: Creative Commons (by)
Autor(es): Ré, Miguel y Giubergia, María

New technologies contribute to the learning process of scientific disciplines. In particular Physics learning may take advantage of these techniques by implementing experimental practices in simulation environments. Our presentation is made under the premise that computer simulations should not be used as substitutes for direct experience with physics apparatus. We are presenting here a set of two simulation based virtual laboratories to look into the empirical foundation of classical dynamics. The first practice is designed to revise the operational definition of inertial mass. The second practice proposes the determination of the dependence law of the interaction force between two cars on their distance separation. There are presented the experimental design and the results obtained in the implementation in a first Physics course at Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Córdoba, Argentina.
[Córdoba: 2014]

1.00 €

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