Without a Net
Editorial: EDUFBA
Licencia: Creative Commons (by-nc-sa)
Autor(es): Conrado, Dália Melissa; Nunes-Neto, Nei
Finding the right combination of personal motivators is key to helping people learn, more so than individual intelligence or technical background. The library setting is integral to this: a public setting, available to everyone, with computers and internet access and at least the occasional staff member to help out. While many people regularly use computers at work, school, and home, some people lack this access for a variety of reasons. Some studies claim the number of “offline” people in America is as high as one-fifth of all adults. When those people need to use technology, they’re often at the public library. We need to be responding to these people appropriately and effectively. We are one of the integral bridges across the digital divide.
[California: 2011]
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