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Young People, Wellbeing and Sustainable Arctic Communities

ISBN: 978-1-003-11001-9
Editorial: Taylor & Francis
Licencia: Creative Commons (by-nc-nd)
Autor(es): Stammler, Florian y Toivanen, Reetta

Youth are usually not (yet) decision makers in politics or in business corporations, but the sustainability of Arctic settlements depends on whether or not youth envision such places as offering opportunities for a good future. This is the first multidisciplinary volume presenting original research on Arctic youth. This edited book presents the results of two research projects on youth wellbeing and senses of place in the Arctic region. The contributions are united by their focus on agency. Rather than seeing youth as vulnerable and possible victims of decisions by others, they illustrate the diverse avenues that youth pursue to achieve a good life in the Arctic.

1.00 €

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